How dead or alive is our Soul when business operates within the system of Capitalism? On the other hand…what is it like if we connect to ourselves, our authenticity, our Soul’s, and live from that place? What do our businesses look like then? I’m not entirely sure but I think that, for me and for The Wild & Authentic Path it has something to do with Right Relationship.
Read MoreConscious community is a Co-Created tribe that supports each individual in realizing their fullest authentic ALIVENESS. The typical societal/familial/ religious values do not exist here, and instead we play and live the answers to: Who am I, really? What has heart and meaning? What does my unique breed of inner wisdom want me to know? What is the most satisfying way I can live? What makes my soul happy? What authentic sound do I have to contribute to The Concert of The Grand Design? Conscious community explores the answers to these questions together, through different practices, while developing authentic/intimate relationships with one another. It’s good shit.
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